Seznam mobilnosti

Andreja Č. Gantar New ways of learning developing creativity, motivation and curiosty 9. – 14.9. 2018 Tynec nad Laden Češka
Karmen Blaško Behaviour and conflicts new methodologies, motivation and cooperation strategies 13. – 24. 08. 2018 Firence Italija
Liljana Lazar Umetnost kot terapija – Poglejmo na stvari z druge strani 16. – 23. 09. 2018 Firence Italija
Lojze Adamič TABLETS IN EDUCATION – update your pedagogical approach 11. – 16. 03.2018 Helsinki Finska
Loredana Sajovic ART AS THERAPY: self expression and special needs 17.9. – 22.9. 2018 Firence Italija
Manuela Urankar Faszien-Therapie der INOMT 21. – 24.10. 2017 Berlin Nemčija
Mateja K. Černe OUTDOOR, New ways of learning developing, creativity, motivation, curiosity 8. – 14. 09. 2018 Nemčice, Praga Češka
Mojca Bolčina OSNOVNI BOBATH TEČAJ ZA ODRASLE 15.9. – 23. 9. 2017 in 13. – 20. 1. 2018 Krapinske Toplice Hrvaška
Tanja Princes Learning social skills outdoors Living together, learning together, working together 1.05.2018 Borganes/8 Islandija
Tatjana Pregelj Behaviour and conflicts new methodologies, motivation and cooperation strategies 13. 08 .2018  do 24. 08. 2018 Firence Italija

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